Taylor Collins

As a pioneering meat company founded upon the principles of regenerative agriculture, one of our core values is to "disobey". We live this value in the decisions that we make, the products that we launch, and the culture embedded into our company genetics. For us, it is a moral obligation to disobey the incumbent practices within the meat industry because the conventional industrial agriculture system is broken and rather than participate, we choose to burn it down and create something virtuous from its ashes.

It is with great pride that our ranchers are disrupting the conventional practices of big ag. It is through this pioneering spirit, that a rising collective of land stewards are adopting new regenerative practices as well as changing their mindset to how they perceive and manage land. Instead of being obedient to chemical ag and relying on herbicides, pesticides, and synthetic fertilizers to produce food, a new generation is working in synchronicity with Mother Nature's principles and using biology to heal the land, provide for animals, and nourish consumers. In other words, being disobedient in the world of mainstream agriculture means separating ourselves from chemical and mechanical inputs to building long-term ecosystem wealth while looking into Mother Nature for wisdom.

As a consumer, being disobedient to factory farming and industrial agriculture means spending your hard-earned money on a different system. For every dollar you divert from the pockets of multinational extractive corporations and spend on food producers who choose to manage land regeneratively, you are creating a massive signal within the market that will not go unheard. The mainstream consumer mindset of purchasing for abundance, convenience, and at low cost has had a catastrophic effect on the health of our civilization, the resilience of our economy, and the planet as a whole. Buying food that is both good for the planet as well as our bodies unleashes the massive potential to reclaim our health as well as the well-being of our natural resources.

It is abundantly clear that the time for change is now! Join us in our journey to disobeying systems that have no reverence for the health of our land and the vitality of our bodies/minds. Being obedient to a tyrannical system only separates us further from nature. Let's embrace our warrior spirits and charge into the storm together! Through uniting, we win!

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