Taylor Collins

This post is about our 2022 event in April. Tickets are now on sale for our 2023 conference, Click Here to learn more and attend. 


Each morning before we rise for the day, we take a moment in silence and reflect on a simple yet powerful question that helps focus our energy on what is most important. In stillness, we ask ourselves, "What good shall I do today?"

In order to honor the power of setting our intentions, we have decided to create a harmonious regenerative agriculture conference focused on empowering others to create positive change. The first annual "What good shall I do" regenerative conference is designed to bring together ranchers, farmers, researchers/ teachers, government, conscious consumers, and others for 3 days of education, networking, planning, and action around regenerative agriculture. Taking place on the regenerating earth of ROAM Ranch in Fredericksburg, TX, on April 22nd-24th, this gathering is inspired by the intention to accelerate the growth of a global regenerative revolution by empowering attendees to unite and ignite.

In order to create a gathering we deemed worth facilitating, we deconstructed your typical conference and built a new one from scratch. Not only is this conference taking place outside on living and breathing soil, we are doubling down on attendee experiences and providing regeneratively sourced meals from Force of Nature!

With speakers that include Zach Bush MD, Will Harris, Ray Archuleta, and many others, we will learn how to regenerate our mind, body, soil, land, water, and spirit. While reflecting on the underlying theme of "What good shall I do today?", attendees will leave with purpose and a collective calling to create a positive return bigger than our individual selves.

It is with our most sincere hope that you, our beloved community, join us for what will be a once-in-a-lifetime event experience. As we intentionally limited tickets to create a more intimate experience, it is certain that this event will sell out. We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming conference and look forward to co-creating hope together. The time is now.

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